If you notice a large increase in the traffic to your site and in case after you look at the visitor statistics it turns out that it comes from countries all over the world or from other web servers, your website is most likely being attacked by an automatic bot. These pieces of software go through random sites aiming to log in to their admin area using a brute-force attack or to leave spam comments below every article where this sort of an option is made available. However, that is something rather popular these days, but if you know the IP addresses from which the attacks come, you could block them, so the bots will not be able to access your Internet site in any way. Naturally, you'll be able to block IPs even if you allow only people from specific countries to access your website.

IP Blocking in Cloud Hosting

If you purchase a cloud plan from us, you shall be able to see comprehensive traffic statistics for all of your sites and if you notice that a large amount of the visits to any of them are not authentic, you may block the IP addresses that have created the most traffic through our IP Blocking tool. The interface is very simple - pick the needed domain or subdomain from a drop-down list, then enter the IP address that you'd like to block and save the change. All of the addresses that you've blacklisted shall appear in the very same section of the Control Panel, so that you can always remove any one of them and permit it to access your website again. You could block whole IP ranges through the tool too - you just need to leave one or two octets from the address blank. For instance, entering 1.2.3. will block all 254 IPs from to

IP Blocking in Semi-dedicated Servers

The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, offered with our semi-dedicated plans, will permit you to solve the matter with unwanted traffic very efficiently. It includes an IP blocking tool where you could add IP addresses with only a couple of mouse clicks. All domains and subdomains which you have inside the account shall be listed in a drop-down menu, so you only need to pick the one you need and then input the IP address which should be blocked. If you wish to block a whole range, a C-class network for instance, you just have to type the first 3 octets of the IP and leave the last one blank. This will block all 254 addresses, so you'll not need to type them by hand. Since all the IPs that you include in this section shall be listed, you can quickly unblock any of them by clicking the Delete button relevant to the particular IP.